Happy Birthday Lethal Leprechaun


No matter the problems and the heartache I am going through with this so called, “Modern Technology” I could not let this day go without reminding everyone AND announcing to the world that today is Lethal Leprechaun’s birthday!13_10_4

I’ve known Lethal for, what feels like forever.  It feels like we’ve grown up together, that 13_16_1we were kids chasing a ball or a girl together, but in all honesty, we didn’t really meet until the better part of our lives were over.  And for that matter, we’ve never “met” in the traditional sense of the word.  We’ve never been face to face, geez, I think the closest970 we’ve actually gotten to each other was several years ago when I was in Dallas/Ft. Worth and he was in Houston.  About 240 miles.  Or maybe the time I was in San Antonio, that’s about 200 miles, but I don’t know if I knew him then.  Regardless, you get the idea. 

My point being, I love this man.  And no matter what kind of issues I am going through, I 13070402-celebrating-and-party-design-with-festive-balloons-floating-with-confetti-and-streamers-as-a-symbol-have to take time out to wish him a happy birthday.  I have to take time out to tell him how much I care. 

My brother, I hope you have a great day.  That despite the heavy pressures and challenges that you are going through, I hope that you can take the day and make it a special one.

Ginny and Diaman wanted to wish you a special Happy Birthday, just from them.


And I would be honored to help light the candles


Now, on a different note, for the first time in almost 15 years, there will be no dragon laffs this week.  I will not take this space where I’ve wished Lethal a happy birthday to bemoan and complain about what I’m going through right now, but you have my deepest apologies.

Please do me a favor and fill the comment box, and for those of you who have his email address, his email in box with tons of well wishes and happy birthdays. 


Impish Dragon

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8 Responses to Happy Birthday Lethal Leprechaun

  1. Paul Bader says:


  2. Joe says:


    and well withes to you impish!

  3. philomen inbaraj says:

    Happy Birthday and have fun. Age is just a number.

  4. Dale says:

    Happy Birthday Lethal….Hope you have a outstanding day celebrating your special day.

  5. Howard says:


    • lethalleprechaun says:

      I like the way you think Howard!

      Now if I just felt half as good as I did at 29 I’d be all set.

      Youth truly is wasted on the young!

  6. Ginny. says:

    Thanks for throwing Diaman and Moi into the mix of wishing Lethal a Happy Birthdday. I already sent him a note to cheer up and get back to his jovial selt. He let me know he wasn’t feeling
    jovial….hopefully the dancers will make him smile. Take care of yourself and the missing issue
    will not hurt us…just makes us appreciate it when you can.

  7. Brenda says:

    happy birthday

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