Leprechaun Laughs # 222 for December 4th 2013


After laying all my careful plans for Thanksgiving and our Anniversary last week I neglected to notice a small addition to our guest list.

Seems Mr. Murphy had invited himself to spend time with us in the form of the Flu and Bronchitis for two.

By Tuesday night both Molly and I were nestled all snug in our bed where fever and Nyquil fueled dreams danced in our heads. That’s been pretty much the entire week from when last I left you.

I have a hard time calling this an issue. Think of it more as leftovers or the raw produce that I would have eventually simmered into one had I the time and strength to arise from my bed.

I’ve limited time before my strength flags, I take more meds and a nap so let me just say one more thing before we get started:

For the Love of God get a Flu Shot!

Opening Logo 8


Problem is I’ve had just 3 cups of instant in a week now. It’s just too hard and too much effort to load the coffee maker.






You’ve probably had enough of Turkey for a while and of cooking if you’re the cook. So here is a fast easy dinner sure to be a hit. It even travels well.

Mock Pizza Casserole


Serves: 8

Prep Time: 20 Min | Cook Time: 1 Hr


2 lb your choice of meats – ground beef, Italian sausage, ham, pepperoni

2 jar(s) spaghetti sauce

24 + oz  mozzarella cheese

1/3 c  parmesan cheese

Your choice of veggies, grn pepper, onion, olives, your favorite. Pizza toppings.

1 bag(s) noodles, 1 lb, I like the bowties in this

Your choice of vegies, olives, onion, mushrooms, green peppers, peppers, spinach … Whatever!


1 Boil noodles to al dente. Grease a 9x13x3 dish.
Divide noodles, sauce and cheeses into 3rds.

2 Layer 1 noodles, sauce, cheese, 1 meat and veggie (ground beef and olives)
Layer 2 noodles, sauce, cheese, 1 meat and veggie (pepperoni and mushrooms)
Layer 3 noodles, sauce, cheese, 1 meat and veggie (Italian sausage and green peppers).

3 Bake at 350 for 40 minutes. Let rest for 15 minutes so it can set up a bit… Then DIG IN!

BTW the foil lined cookie sheet under it in the photo is a really good idea while baking this. Unless, that is, you like cleaning your oven.





That’s it. That’s all I got I’m spent. I’m off to do a thread count on my pillowcase from a face down prone position.


Lethal's Business Card

About lethalleprechaun

I believe in being the kind of man who, when my feet touch the floor in the morn', causes the Devil to say "BUGGER ME! HIMSELF IS UP!" ======== I'm a White Married Heterosexual who fervently believes in the war(s) we are fighting, the Second Amendment which I plan on defending with my last breath and my last round of ammunition as well as Arizona's stringent law on Immigration and the need for the border wall. I'm a right of center Con-centrist with Tea Party & Republican sympathies who drives an SUV. I am a Life Time Member of the NRA, a Charter Member of the Patriots' Border Alliance and North American Hunters Association. If there is a season for it and I can shoot one I'll eat it and proudly wear its fur. I believe PETA exists solely to be a forum for Gays, Vegetarians, Hollywood snobbery to stupid to get into politics and Soybean Growers. The ACLU stopped protecting our civil liberties sometime after the 1960s and now serves its own bigoted headline grabbing agenda much in the same way as the Southern Poverty Law Center. I am ecstatic that WE the PEOPLE finally got mad enough to rise up and take back the Government from WE the ENTITLED and reverently wish the Liberals would just get over the loss and quit whining/protesting all the time. After all they're just reaping what they've sown. I am Pro-choice both when it comes to the issue of abortion AND school prayer. I believe in a government for the people, by the people which represents and does the people's will. Therefore I an Pro States rights and mandatory term limits but against special interest group campaign contributions and soft money. I think that sports teams who allow their players to sit or take a knee during the National Anthem should be boycotted until the message is received that this is not acceptable behavior for role models for children. I believe Congressional salaries should be voted on bi-annually by the people they represent and not by themselves. I think Congress should be subject to every law they pass on the populace including any regarding Social Security or Healthcare. Speaking of the Healthcare bill (or con job as I see it) I hope Trump will overturn it and set things back to normal. I oppose the building of an Mosque or ANY Islamic center at or within a 10 mile radius of Ground Zero in New York. I will fight those in favor of this until hell freezes over and then I will continue to fight it hand to hand on the ice. Further I think the ban on immigrants from certain nations known to harbor and promote terrorism is a justified measure, at least until we can come up with better methods of vetting and tracking those non citizens we allow in the country. We did not inflict this measure on them those who refuse to point out, denounce or fight radical religious terrorism brought this upon themselves.
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2 Responses to Leprechaun Laughs # 222 for December 4th 2013

  1. Howard says:

    Pretty good issue, even while you’re sick! I got more than a chuckle or two out of it! Especially the Strip Search and the Ape Shit, HAHAHA!! Here’s hoping you and Molly get back up to snuff soon!!!

  2. The Retired Dingo says:

    I surely ope you and your wife get to feeling better real soon. So sorry you are ailing.

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